Doug Hennin
Born in Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Canada, Henning began practicing magic at oakenwald school in Fort Garry and later moved to Oakville, Ontario.
At the age of 14, he performed his first performance at a friend’s birthday party. Inspired by the enthusiastic response of the audience, Henning began to perform on local television and banquets in Toronto in the following months.
He is a student at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, majoring in psychology. Henning met the famous stage director Ivan Reitman when he played the role of loneome polecat in the production of Li’l Abner in 1968.
Shortly after college, Henning won the Canadian Arts Council scholarship fund, which requires Henning to learn magic. His goal is to target the davinon level magic stars of slydini and Dai Vernon. Doug studies under Tony slydini and takes Tony as his main magic teacher.

In order to restore magic to the “day of glory”, Henning is committed to improving his craft. The musical, which was co starred by Jennifer shone and starred in a Toronto musical, was opened by Mr. Howard, It broke the box office record there. After attracting the attention of New York producers, Henning reintroduced the program. The song led by Stephen Schwartz brought it to Broadway and took it as a magic show. In 1974, Henning performed in the name of “the magic show” for four and a half years and was nominated for Tony Award.
Following the success of Broadway, Henning contacted NBC, an American television station, to provide a plan for making TV albums until Henning suggested that he reproduce Harry Houdini’s famous and dangerous “escape from the water prison”, a performance that has not appeared on TV since Houdini himself. In the next eight months, Henning rearranged his magic play for the TV album Henning and practiced “escape from the water prison”. More than 50 million viewers watched “Doug Henning’s magic world” on TV in December 1975, hosted by celebrity Bill Cosby.
In 1977, Henning co wrote the biography of Houdini: “the legend of Houdini and his magic”.

In 1979, he created the same illusion effect for the “earth, wind and fire” tour, and later worked with Mikado singer Michael Jackson, including the 1984 concert “journey to victory”.
Henning divorced Barbara De Angelis in 1981 and married Debby Douillard in women’s dome ladies’ dome in Fairfield, Iowa, in December of that year. In 1983, Henning created the Broadway musical “Merlin” Merlin, and in 1984, he began a Broadway personal magic show called “Doug Henning’s magic world”
In 1985, panosh place produced a wonder whims plush toy named Doug & Debby Henning, which is copyrighted by Marvin glass and associates. They try to let children enjoy the wonders of the world around them. There are six wonder whim characters. Everyone has an animal friend, a personalized story, and a magic kaleidoscope of colors and patterns.

Doug Henning magic world
On December 26, 1975, Doug Henning’s first TV program “magic world” album was broadcast on NBC. Although he did not break Houdini’s time record, Henning successfully performed “escape from death in the water prison”. Sponsored by the famous talk show hosts David Suskind and Mobil, the program was broadcast live in the eastern United States without any advertising. This was the first of the next seven annual broadcasts, and finally brought Henning seven Emmy nominations, including “magic world” in 1976 and 1977.
In December 1976, Doug Henning’s “magic world II” was broadcast live again on NBC. There were only two advertising segments. The theme of the program was “fire, water and air”. It was hosted by actor Michael Landon and performed with guest star Joey HEATHERTON. The program included Henning’s disappearance of an elephant and a link with special guest magician Ricky Jay.
On December 15, 1977, Doug Henning’s “magic world III” performed with famous entertainers Glen Campbell and sandy Duncan. The foolish illusion was “through a brick wall”.
On December 14, 1978, Doug Henning’s “Magical World IV” was broadcast with the theme of “magical journey”. However, due to many problems during the television broadcast, this was the last live broadcast.
On February 15, 1979, the fifth annual magic album “magic world” was broadcast, which was recorded at the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas.
Doug Henning’s “magic world VI”, recorded in Osmond studios in Orem, Utah, was broadcast on NBC on February 22, 1980. Bill Cosby appeared for the second time as a special guest, and Marie Osmond also appeared on the program. The ending is an escape and reappearance of the illusion, using the huge Rube Goldberg to conceive the game machine.
Doug’s last TV show was “magic world VII” in 1982, with special guest Bruce Jenner and several modified versions of large-scale visions featured in the early stage. The theme is Doug’s magical house, and the room has the magic of the past, present and future. At the end of the program, Doug created the illusion of combining black and white horses into zebras.
At the end of each “magic world” performance, Henning said to the audience with the same monologue: “anything imagined in your heart is possible, nothing is impossible, all you have to do is go deep into it, you can realize your best dream. I hope each of you has the miracle of life and a happy Enlightenment era“
Anything the mind can conceive is possible. Nothing is impossible. All you have to do is look within, and you can realize your fondest dreams. I would like to wish each one of you all of life’s wonders and a joyful age of enlightenment. “
In the mid-1980s, Henning quit his stage career and became more and more interested in transcendental meditation. He received his doctorate in the science of creative intelligence from Maharishi University in Switzerland. In 1992, Henning and Maharishi mahesh yogi, the founder of super meditation, planned to build a $1.5 billion project “Maharishi Veda land” near Niagara Falls, Canada, which will combine amazing and unique visual and sensory effects, including the most advanced 3D images, ultra-high-tech entertainment technology and his best and most primitive magic illusions. Attractions include buildings hanging above the water and a journey into the heart of the rose, but as of 2000, the status of the project was unclear.
Five months after being diagnosed with liver cancer, Henning died at Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles in February 2000 at the age of 52. His ashes are scattered in the Pacific Ocean on Redondo Beach, California.
The famous Canadian magician James Randi criticized Henning’s participation in super meditation (TM). In 2008, Randi said in his blog swift that TM founder Maharishi mahesh yogi “caused the death of my friend Doug Henning”. He claimed that Henning was immersed in TM. He “gave up regular medical treatment for liver cancer and continued to pursue his diet of nuts and berries, resulting in death from disease”.
On June 8, 2010, it was announced that Henning would be awarded Canada’s walk of fame. His magic prop “beauty three points” zig zag lady is now placed in the American Magic Museum.
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